About & Contact


24565 Dewdney Trunk Road
Maple Ridge, BC V4R 1W9

Email: Bill Hardy [email protected]


HortEducation.ca (HEBC) is the voice for the ornamental horticulture and agriculture based trades in British Columbia. In 2005, HortEducation.ca was launched following a similar structure to that developed in New Zealand in the 1980’s, adopting an environment where industries could identify and build training programs to meet particular industry-defined needs.

Ornamental horticulture and agriculture industry based activities all depend on a skilled workforce. To support this need, HortEducation.ca’s mandate is to attract more people into the industry and then make available the appropriate training. HortEducation.ca works with industry in the development and establishment of apprentice trades, providing support through marketing, research and industry partnerships. It is HortEducation.ca’s goal to ensure the highest of standards throughout BC by working closely with industry, apprentices and training providers, with industry playing the lead role.

Mission and Vision

Mission Statement

  • To make training good business.


  • To enhance society through education.


The values that will be reflected in the development and implementation of the HortEducation.ca are as follows:

  • Industry leadership and coordination
  • Shared funding among those who benefit
  • Customer-focused on trainees, workers and employers
  • Accessible programs and services
  • Industry relevance and responsiveness
  • Industry capacity and sustainability of service
  • Stakeholder inclusiveness and partnership
  • Operational efficiency, flexibility and streamlined administration
  • Quality training that includes provincial and national skill standards and qualifications
  • Cost-effective programs and services for industry, workers and the taxpayer

Board and Staff Members