Job Listings

*Update* due to changes in’s mandate, the job board is no longer maintained. HortEducationBC is hopeful that there will be opportunities to restore this service if industry demand develops. We have left Archived Job Listings available for apprentices and potential entrants to the career to use as a tool to explore the career.

WorkBC provides Apprentice Job Match and career exploration information for

Other sites you can look for job postings for work in the horticulture industry are:


HortEducation’s Job posting feature is for employer/sponsors and apprentices in Horticulture trades to connect with one another. Employers can post both apprenticeship positions and non-apprenticeship positions that can lead to apprenticeship.

If you are not familiar with apprenticeship and would like to learn about sponsoring an apprentice, or learn about the tax credits and grants available to employers for sponsoring an apprentice please visit the pages for Employer & Sponsors and Tax Credit Info – Sponsors

Jobs are titled with ID Codes

A = Arborist

LH = Landscape Horticulture

H = Horticulture Industry – General

Post a Job Listing
Youth & Trades
Level 1 Entry Level Apprenticeship
Level 2 & 3 Apprenticeship
Level 4 Apprenticeship
Post Certification (Journeyman/Journeywoman)
Supervision & Management
Non Apprenticeship, General

Sorry, there are no active job listings in this area at the moment.
