Apprentice Info

There are many careers to choose from in horticulture.  The apprenticeship program is the first stepping stone to start your career in horticulture.  Once completing the apprenticeship program, you will have the option to continue with your education by taking a diploma or degree program.

The root of horticulture is based on plants and how they grow. Whether you like the design aspect, or prefer to grow vast fields of healthy nursery stock, or work setting climate controls in greenhouses, a solid basis in plant nutrition, soils, botany, pest management and mechanics are what you will need to learn.

Click on the links below for more detailed information on career possibilities.

What is an Apprenticeship?

Horticulture Apprenticeships are a combination of, on-the-job training and school based learning, that leads to a trade credential. Apprentices typically spend about 80% of their apprenticeship learning through on the job training and 20% in school based training (also known as ‘technical training’).

Typically, an apprentice is only in school for 6-8 weeks per level. There are tax benefits available to apprentices – starting at $1000 per completed level.


Who can become an Apprentice?

Apprenticeships are open to everyone. Whether you are at the beginning of career exploration or looking for a career change. Horticulture apprentices are youth, men, and women. Horticulture is an inclusive industry that welcomes all.

Adults can become an apprentice at any time and can often receive credit for prior work experience in the trade.

You can become an apprentice in high school through Industry Training Authority Youth Trade training programs or after you graduate.


How does apprenticeship work and how do I get started?

Learning a trade as an apprentice, allows you to earn money while you learn. Apprentices spend about 80% of their time learning on the job with an employer sponsor who is a skilled professional. A sponsor trains and mentors an apprentice by sharing their wisdom from years of experience in the industry. Your Sponsor will track and report your progress to the Industry Training Authority enabling you to receive credit for your progress through each level.

Apprentices can start their apprenticeship with technical training, or work experience training. If you are new to the industry with no experience, starting with the technical training can give you both knowledge based and hands on practical skills training. This can help those without experience enter employment in the trade with some experience. can act as your sponsor for the technical training if you would like to begin the work-based training portion of your apprenticeship with some experience.


Do I need a sponsor/employer?

Yes. You will require a sponsor to begin your apprenticeship, register for technical training, and receive credit for work-based training hours. can act as your sponsor for the technical training portion of your apprenticeship.


Are there any restrictions?

For adults, English 10 and Math 10 are recommended but not required. Horticulture Apprentices come from all educational backgrounds.

For youth, your school district will have requirements to enter the Youth in Trades program. Start by contacting your school guidance counselor or career facilitator. You may also contact The Industry Training Authority youth initiatives administrator

You must legally be able to work in Canada. 80% of apprenticeship is work based training through employment. (*Note there are options for international students to study horticulture in certificate, diploma, or degree programs. Contact one of the training institutions to find programs available to you.)


Support for Apprentices


Horticulture and Dairy apprenticeship programs & Horticulture Technician Foundation program

Each apprenticeship has its own page with detailed information and requirements specific to the trade including Tax credits available after completing a level or completing the apprenticeship


Learning Resources (Training Manuals) provides training manuals for the Horticulture and Dairy Apprenticeship technical training. Orders can take 2-4 weeks for delivery.

*Training institutions may order in bulk

  • Red Seal Landscape Horticulturist Apprenticeship
    • Level 1 (2019 Harmonized Standard)
    • Level 2 (2019 Harmonized Standard)
    • Level 3 (2015, Past Standard, Harmonized Standard Coming Soon)
    • Level 4 (2015, Past Standard, Harmonized Standard Coming Soon)
  • Dairy Technician Apprenticeship
    • Level 1
    • Level 2