All Red Seal Trades in Canada are undergoing an Harmonization Initiative to substantively align apprenticeship across Canada, and to improve the mobility of apprentices, support increased completion rates, and enable employers to access a larger pool of qualified employees.
The Landscape Horticulturist apprenticeship has been redeveloped in consultation with industry and training representatives from across Canada. BC’s representatives include the Industry Training Authority, employers Heike Stippler (Heike Designs) and Jeff Foley (Para Space Landscaping Inc), and educators Betty Cunnin (KPU School of Horticulture) and Laura Biggs (Pacific Horticulture College). has been working with these representatives to prepare for the new certification standards and curriculum.
Harmonization Q&A
Will this impact Journeyed Red Seal Landscape Horticulturists?
No. Only the curriculum core tasks and training of current and new apprentices is changing. If you are a Red Seal Landscape Horticulturist, your credentials have not changed.
Will this affect Apprentices?
Yes. The Industry Training Authority, training institutions, and will assist apprentices who will not complete their certification before September 2018. These apprentices will receive gap training for content that has changed or has been added.
Will this affect Sponsors?
No. The sponsorship model will remain the same. However, you can help your apprentices by ensuring they receive hands-on training in the new industry practices they are learning.
Industry employers have guided the redevelopment to reflect practices already standard in, and demanded by, Industry. Their aim has been to make certification training more relevant to your needs.
Will this affect those who intend to challenge the exam?
Yes. The Inter-Provincial Exam and study materials are changing to reflect the new content in September 2018. Study materials and manuals prior to September 2018 will be replaced with updated materials.
Can I challenge the exam before it changes?
Yes! If you would like to challenge the certification before these changes come into effect, is here to help you.
We are happy to help you through the challenge application process, and your preparation for the Exam. We are running a Red Seal Exam Prep course on Saturday, February 17, 2018 at UBC Botanical Garden in Vancouver. If you cannot attend this class, you can buy the manual in our store. Email Bill to be notified of upcoming classes.